
Using the Story Model for Creative Case Presentations

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Imagine the day is nearing when you will be presenting  the complexities of your case to a mediator, judge or jury.  How many boxes of evidence do you have? Did you just take your tenth, fifteenth or even twenty-fifth deposition in this case? Do you have all the important details of the case committed to memory? Or perhaps you have lost perspective and no longer have “the big picture” – the picture that a mediator, judge or jury must to have to understand the case, and be persuaded in your client’s favor.

Whether at mediation or at trial, one of the most important tasks to be accomplished in a pressure-filled, time-limited atmosphere is the delivery of a persuasive presentation.  The mountain of evidence gained from discovery must now be condensed into a concise winning description of your case.  The best way to do this is to do what comes natural – tell a story.

Before the written word, there was story telling. In ancient times, when something was important and it needed to be communicated to the tribe or clan, a story was told. Before the written word, the wisdom of the ages was transmitted across generations by story telling. We are not so different from our ancestors. Like our ancestors, are brains are wired to hear, understand and remember stories.

When it comes time for your opening or closing, don’t fight nature, use nature to help you. Tell a story.

If the concept and techniques of story telling are foreign to you, then contact us. We have had a great deal of success crafting story model openings and closing. Contact us and we can help you construct a story model approach to your case. It is fun and easy and once you get the hang of it, you too will enjoy Combining the art of Law…with the laws of Science.


About the Author:

Dr. Ferrara is the president of Westlake Trial Consulting, LLC. He is an experienced trial consultant, writer, and expert witness.